Sgt. Foster L. Harrington MCL, Detachment #1449

If you miss the comradery and being with people with shared experiences, then you need the Marine Corps League and we need you! Our detachment meets the 3rd Saturday of each month, 1100 hours at Kravers Seafood Restaurant, 2368 Leroy Stevens Rd, Mobile, AL 36695 .


Contact Information

Mailing Address:10199 Grady Lane, Mobile, AL

Meeting Address: Kravers Seafood Rest., 2368 Leroy Stevens Rd., Mobile, AL 36695 – Maps & Directions


Email: [email protected]

2023 Officers

  • Ronald Danley, Commandant
  • Henry Frank, Sr. Vice Commandant
  • Jermaine Payne, Jr. Vice Commandant
  • Cleveland Bullock, Judge Advocate
  • Lindsey Orso, Paymaster
  • Jonathan Orso, Adjutant
  • Charles Wyckoff, Chaplain
  • Rich Rydin, Sgt. at Arms
  • A.B. Grantham, Jr. Past Commandant
  • Vacant, Marine4Life Liaison
  • Vacant, Web Sgt
  • Kimber Ryan-Payne, Newsletter Editor
  • Cleveland Bullock, Americanism/Historian
  • Henry Frank, Eagle Scout Coord.
  • Vacant, VAVS Coordinator
  • Jermaine Payne, Toys 4 Tots Coord.
  • Haydee and Henry Frank, Social Media Officers

Sgt Foster L Harrington

Sgt Foster L Harrington, age 31, of Ft. Worth, Texas died due to enemy action in Al Anbar Province, Iraq.

On November 17, 1992 he joined the Marines and after four years active duty joined the reserves and was a member of the Mobile, Alabama-based Marine Corps Reserve’ 3rd Force Reconnaissance Company, 4th Marine Division, Mobile, an elite Marine Corps Reserve unit. He was killed by a sniper in the Anbar Province of Western Iraq in Support of Operation Iraqi Freedom according to the Department of Defense. He had only been in Iraq for about seven weeks before being killed.Alabama. He died on September 20, 2004.