October 1, 2022
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A group of young Marines joined together to create a new Marine Corps League in Florence, Alabama. The original charter consist of 8 members. This is an excited new group of people ready to jump in and do some good work for Marines. Our detachment meets the 2nd Tuesday, 1800 hours at The Pound at 215 S. Montgomery Ave, Sheffield, AL 35660.
Contact Information
Mailing Address: 215 S. Montgomery Ave, Sheffield, AL 35660
Meeting Address: 215 S. Montgomery Ave, Sheffield, AL 35660 – Maps & Directions
Phone: 256-443-5264
Email: mailto: [email protected]
2024 Officers
- Curtis L. Griffith, Commandant
- J. Michael Ivy, Sr. Vice Cmdt.
- Jeffery L. Brooks, Jr. Vice Cmdt.
- Terry Holliday, Judge Advocate
- Larry Vance, Paymaster
- Brandy C. Miller, Adjutant
- Michael E. Cole, Chaplain
- Omayra Reedy, Sergeant at Arms
- Richard Keeton, Jr. Past Cmdt.
- Tommy L. Oswalt, Marine 4 Life Liaison
- Nick Ryan, Web Sergeant
- Wray Dillard, Newsletter Editor
- Wray Dillard, Public Relations
- Barbara Griffith, Americanism/ Historian
- Richard Keeton, Eagle Scout Contact
- Marlon Holloway, VAVS Coordinator
- Curtis Griffith , Toys 4 Tots Coordinator
- Richard Keeton, Young Marines
The detachment was named for Marine Cpl Matthew D. Conley.
Cpl. Conley died February 18, 2006 Serving During Operation Iraqi Freedom, 21, of Killen, Ala.; assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Twentynine Palms, Calif.; attached to 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward); killed Feb. 18 when his vehicle was attacked with an improvised explosive device while he was conducting combat operations in Ramadi, Iraq. Also killed was 2nd Lt. Almar L. Fitzgerald.