October 7, 2022
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We are seeking more than a few good men and women to join the Lt. Gen. Victor “Brute” Krulak Detachment… Do you have what it takes?
Current and former Marines, FMF Corpsmen, and Navy Chaplains who honorably served or are serving are welcome to submit a membership application for consideration. Our detachment meets the 2nd Saturday, 1000 hours at Hoover Tactical Firearms – 1561 Montgomery Hwy, Birmingham, AL 35216.
Contact Information
Mailing Address: c/o Hoover Tactical Firearms, 1561 Montgomery Hwy, Bham, AL 35216
Meeting Address: Hoover Tactical Firearms – 1561 Montgomery Hwy, Birmingham, AL 35216 – Maps & Directions
Phone: 205-966-3185
Email:[email protected]
2024 Officers
- Ed Smith Jr., Commandant
- Al Barfield, Sr. Vice Commandant
- Slade Bridges, Jr. Vice Commandant
- Wray Pearce, Judge Advocate
- Fernando Valentin, Paymaster
- Cameron Parker, Adjutant
- Harvey Jones, Chaplain
- Vernon Woods, Sgt. at Arms
- Tom Krebs, Jr. Past Commandant
- Vacant, Marine4Life Liaison
- Cameron Parker, Web Sgt
- Vacant, Newsletter Editor
- Vacant, Americanism/Historian
- Carol Rodriguez, Eagle Scout Coord.
- Vacant, VAVS Contact
- Vernon Woods, Toys 4 Tots Coord.

Lt Gen Victor “Brute” Krulak
Victor Harold Krulak (January 7, 1913 – December 29, 2008) was a decorated United States Marine Corps officer who saw action in World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Krulak, considered a visionary by fellow Marines,[3] was the author of First to Fight: An Inside View of the U.S. Marine Corps and the father of the 31st Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Charles C. Krulak.