Contact Information
Mailing Address: 6845 Hwy. 90 E. Ste 105-314 Daphne, Al. 36526
Meeting Address: Beef O’Brady’s Restaurant, 8495 Spanish Fort Blvd., Spanish Fort, AL 36527 – Maps & Directions
Phone: 251-454-0004
Email: [email protected]
2023 Officers
- Lew Thomas, Commandant
- Robert “Bob” King, Jr., Sr. Vice Commandant
- Doug Mansmann, Jr. Vice Commandant
- Jerome “Jerry” Cherne, Judge Advocate
- John Cutright, Paymaster
- Kenya Thomas, Adjutant
- Paul Taylor, Chaplain
- Herschel Mason, Chaplain #2
- Doug Mansmann, Sgt. at Arms
- Aaron Henriques, Jr. Past Commandant
- Jerome “Jerry” Cherne, Marine4Life Liaison
- Herb Cole, Web Sgt
- None, Newsletter Editor
- None, Americanism/Historian
- Robert King, Jr., Eagle Scout Coord.
- Carl Joziatis, VAVS Contact
- Kenya Thomas, Toys 4 Tots Coord.

Jesse Johnson Andrews Jr
PFC Jesse Johnson Andrews Jr. was born July 2, 1925 in Weslaco, Texas. When WWII broke out, Jesse expressed to his parents wanting to go and serve his country. But at age 16, they thought he was too young. So at age 17, and with his Mother’s written consent, Jesse enlisted.
He fought on Saipan, Tinian, Roi , Namur ( at the time were 2 islands, but today they are joined and called Roi-Namur), and Iwo Jima. Iwo was the bloodiest battle, it begun on February 19, 1945, and on the 8th day Jesse was wounded by hand grenade in the left leg as his platoon sergeant pulled him from a fox hole. His wounds were treated as best on the field and was sent to the U.S. Military Hospital at Pearl Harbor.
On November 30, 1945, Jesse was discharged with a Letter of Commendation, Purple Heart Ribbon, Asiatic- Pacific W/3- stars, American Theatre Ribbon, Victory Ribbon, Honorable Lapel Button, and Commendation by distinguishing himself by meritorious achievement as a member of a rifle squad during the invasion and capture of Saipan and Tinian.